Terry Hargrave - The Sandwich Generation
Aus psych-med
- Vortrag in Roseneck am 19.09.2012
- Sandwich Generation:
- 45-75 Jahre
- gleichzeitig Pflege der alten Eltern und Versorgung der nicht selbständigen Kinder
big issue
- Lebenserwartung steigt (50% der heute Geborenen werden 100 Jahre)
- staatliche Unterstützung wird ökonomisch nicht mehr möglich sein (economic recovery → U/V/L-shaped!) → family - community - government support
- aus tödlichen Krankheiten werden chronische Krankheiten (Herz-Kreislauf, Krebs, HIV, ...)
Modell: wer versorgt die alten Eltern?
aging member ↑ One primary caregiver (expectations?) ↑ One primary caregiver support group who: sibblings, partner / spouse what: money (housecleaning, Erbe!), spare time (relationships), care!
- don't divide caregiving! fairness!
- challenge for the sandwich generation: organize support group!
- im therapeutischen Prozess: Familiengespräch mit Eltern, Kinder, Partner, Geschwister
Phasen der Realisation
- ähnlich wie Sterbephasen nach Kübler-Ross:
- Denial (Nichtwahrhabenwollen, Leugnen)
- Anger (Zorn)
- Bargaining (Verhandeln)
- Depression
- Acceptance (Akzeptanz)
keep in mind:
- elder people fight for their independence, don't want to be dependent
- they might complain about the caregiver ;rarr, Familiengespräch! Wer soll es übernehmen?
- take care that the caregiving relationship is not more important than the partner relationship and the family relationship
- the ultimate expression of love: caregiving of elder! Es wird nicht besser, Du bekommst nichts zurück (?)
issues in caregiving
- help mentality → responsibility
(daily fights → intergenerational fairness) - guilt → choice
- burden → learning opportunity, "openhandedness"
- focus on relationship, not behaviour
- resolve old issues!
- Evenness: balance between caregiving, family, marriage, individual life
→ allow others to care for you! - life satisfaction based on independence → happiness based on relationship
- lifespan feature: in jedem Alter Vorbildfunktion für Kinder!
- "Mottos" für die Kinder
- "You can't do anything except the next game"
- "It's totally out of your control"
→ be prepared to fail!- have an alternate plan
- be realistic
- important for family collaboration
- "when everything's done, there's always fence work"
- make a plan to move out, sing it
- Rules:
- Boundaries
- Safe Harbor
- Three Safes: you have only 3 shots → stop resolving problems for them (Einstellung!)
- clear consequences